Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Why Should Blogging

Hay Guys..?
This time I will discuss why blogging...?
Of course, there are many useful things that can be obtained through a blog that may not yet be known by those who are still common to hear or who are less concerned or even not at all regard this sort of thing is important. What is the benefit if the start blogging?
1. Learn something new or thing
New thing? considering the website has been created since 1991, is certainly no longer a new thing because there is a possibility blog also already exist at the time. At least it was new for those who do not know or who are still common.
When it started blogging or starting a blog, you will always discover new things about your interests or anything that makes you interested and always wanted to share because there would be a nonsense idea gained.
2. Helps hone hair creations
By continually strive expressing ideas that there be a paper or article, indirectly will help hone your writing skills for the better. If you are not accustomed, might eventually menulispun be difficult.
Unlike the speech can be obtained only by listening and imitating, writing skills can not be obtained in that way (Morphy, 2012). Maybe it's true because if sorted, ranks last writing skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. That means that writing is the most difficult skill to master. Therefore, must often be sharpened.
Think about this: Setumpul-dulling of the blade that continuously honed sure to be sharp as well.
3. Help you to be a writer
After adept at writing, you can try to provide the services as the author of the blog article because there are many bloggers who are interested in using services like this. In addition to getting paid a hefty (depending on the quality and type of the article), your writing skills will be honed and did not rule out later you could be the author of the book or e-book and sell it via a blog.
4. Can increase confidence
Through a blog you can opine, learn to dare blame and learn that no longer feel afraid that if wrong or make a mistake. You are invited to realize later hone skills and recognize and rectify the shortcomings.
Read every comment that comes in, learn litsning opinions of others, managing emotions (anger management) and accept criticism as an input to keep cool without feeling keki.
5. Sharpen the ability to speak
How good talk originated from oral texts. The more often learn and share ideas about interest or interests you through the blog, you will be more comfortable discussing a time when others ask directly.
Over time the confidence will grow, there will be no feeling awkward discussing what you're interested in before the crowd. Furthermore, you will remain confident even if review this topic or any other matter.
6. Got extra income
If you make a blog not perfunctory not impossible time can provide additional income while not directly or immediately make a millionaire or billionaire. Remain grateful with what has been achieved, no matter how small it is.
Want more? so be patient and berusa.ha more actively praying. Outside there are many bloggers who have reaped tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars with his blog. It could be you next, but how can it be otherwise doing
7. Creating a blog is very easy
Earlier I myself thought that creating a blog is difficult, but after reading the guide on how to make a blog, it makes it very easy. If you want to be sure.
Problems coding, html or javascript language, how to make it and it has also been widely distributed on the internet, just browsing and select which one feels easier to follow or learn.
8. Can make you challenged
Honestly, it is very easy to create a blog as easy as click of a button like or share, but to manage it is not as easy as you imagine. It takes time, energy, thoughts and extra patience to manage. Therein lies the challenge.
You will be challenged to write creative ideas to attract readers, competing with other bloggers, build a community around your blog and other challenging things that make you continue to learn and develop self-managed blog.

9. Can be made with / for free
Anyone can create a blog without being charged a penny or for free. One platform that provides templates and a free subdomain Blogspot is owned by Google.
If you feel self-conscious wearing a standard template and a free subdomain, you can change or replace it with premium template and change the subdomain becomes Top Level Domain if it wants to be serious about building a blog.
10. You can help others
Want to inspire people to explore and discover their potential but are confused how? create a blog. Want to share your knowledge or experience with others? start blogging and share.


There are many useful things that can be obtained through a good blog that knowledge, new skills experience, insight, pleasure, socialization, self-development, self publicity, self-documentation, business opportunities and so forth. If one of the above is the reason or motivation you, then start blogging.

Quoting Oprah Winfrey, "Do something that you think you can not afford to do. Failing to do so, try to do better the second time. People who never fails is only those who have never tried to do what they do not know ".

Someone who never or fear of making mistakes will never try or discover new things (Albert Einstein).

Thank you for reading our article. What this article helpful? Unmute your opinion in the comment section OK .. :)


  1. Artikelnya bagus sekali walaupun saya harus translate dulu hehe :)

  2. apa tuh artinya gan

  3. nice article, it`s really informative..

  4. You're right , I agree with some of the above
