Thursday, August 25, 2016

3 Ways to Make Blog Articles In 10 Minutes

Hasil gambar untuk blogging

Maybe my friend could not believe after reading the title of this post. The hell makes blog posts in just 10 minutes? But I will bend over backwards to convince 100 percent with the following three different ways:

1. Search for foreign blog articles or the latest news, select articles which according buddy attract many readers. No need to read it because it would be a waste of time, just copy all the contents of the article. Then open the Google Translator, paste it into a blank translation. In a few seconds the translation out. Then immediately copy the translation and paste it into the box blog post editor. Publish! I believe this method can even be done in less than 5 minutes.
2. If my friend wanted to post my friend really believed as an article honored Indonesian internet users, just look for local articles from blogs that already exist. After finding such an article, copy all the contents and immediately you paste into your posting form. Modifications little title that looked different when it appears in search engines or directories site where the article was published. For example, if the original title is "10 Facts Unique .....", the modification becomes "10 Facts Funny ....". Thus, the impression of originality posts are still there (although only in title only). No need to modify it because in the end the same, tetep just copy and paste. Yes, right?This saves time, because my friend does not need to think about and process the ideas in your head, do not need to do a survey of favorite people, do not need to do reflection, no need to learn a phenomenon occurs, do not have to think about the style of language what to wear, do not need to spend time for designing the contents.
3. Reopen lecture notes, diaries, or recall experiences that experienced in the past, for example, the experience of using this brand HP, or a printer of this type, boyfriend shoot experience, blogging experience, experience arguing about a topic, experience participating organizations, the experience of this contest, it's a learning experience, it's dislike of it, this preference for the experience of doing a hobby, a desire that has not been delivered, and many more !! By opening the old records or files that we save, we stayed copy or rewrite it so that it takes not much time.Jot down thoughts or anything that we remember very well could be done in a very quick time, because in my experience, writing things like this speed is the same as when we speak. Why? Because:a. The process is in line with the order of memory that comes and arranged in our heads, as we like seeing a movie that we directly translate into words. 
b. Basing on our own experience, we controlled very well what we're writing. A good writer masters what he writes.Remember, the news is heard or seen was also an experience, and can be spoken in our own way. In addition, the blog is not a magazine or book, that means the post / article a very long it will be tiring. Writing will take a long time.Well, the third option of the above ways, man is free to determine which one will be selected. What ultimately yangdiprioritaskan is the number of posts or the quality and originality of posts, the right mate to determine how to create articles / blog posts. Want to be a resource blog (blogger) or handyman blog content? Of course, the right mate [blogger] all to decide for themselves.

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