Saturday, August 27, 2016

5 Important Questions Before Writing Blog

All bloggers would want article "out of the box", stand out, special, different from the existing one, though perhaps the same page. All bloggers would also like to not glance his eye, can be enjoyed to the full, and ultimately provide exceptional value to its readers. And yes, even though this word sounds a bit boring, but surely all agree this is key: quality.

The question is, what benchmarks a quality, if there is the numeric value? is there a percentage parameter? is there a formula? There is no. Quality is abstractive and can not be calculated or assessed with numbers. But, once again, all must agree if the quality can be felt.

Well, this time, I would like to invite my friend all ask these five questions, which I think is very important before mate decided to write an article based on a topic.

"Well, ya would I write". Once kuranglebihnya conversation in mind when my friend started to open the post editor and ready fingers dance on the keyboard.

But eeeitt, wait!

Should you write the topic? As a blogger, my friend would not be indiscriminate and haphazard decision making wrote a blog article without thinking first. The answer of course depends on a number of factors.

Well, the following factors should be my friend ask before deciding: "Okay, I write ah." .. Or ... "Ah, find another topic alone ..."

1. Are there other people who have written the topics to be buddy wrote?

What would my friend wrote? Is it really true there someone else who wrote it. Does my friend had ever read it? Answers to these questions will affect all the answers to the four other questions.

If the topic to write my friend did not already been covered by other bloggers, so my friend had to make formula reason. Are the topics that will be written will be appealing and needed by others? Do other people need the information in the article? Or is this topic so controversial that no one else who could write it? Consider the blog readers, the objectives of the activity of blogging buddy, and targets of the article was written before deciding to write. It is important to see whether it is right for the topic is presented in the blog.

If the topic to be my friend wrote it has already been covered by other bloggers (and most did), go to question two.

2. Does my friend can write better articles from other articles with similar topics?

If the blog article writing is already on the wanted buddy-cover and is written by blogger / media / other publishers, should be considered whether my friend was able to write better than existing ones. This is important because the article my friend MUST be different from the existing ones in order to produce something different and qualified. One topic could be written and published by many blogs, as much as anything, but only the first two were able to stand out because it is supported by the uniqueness / originality and quality.

Quality is very important. So do not rush to take and write a topic not sure if my friend could write it better than existing ones. Without this concept, man will only give treats the same as the others. In the end, well ..., the reader bored and it sounded just finished articles passing.

3. Can pal provide a unique viewpoint on the topic to be written?
If my friend decided to keep writing down existing topics, consider whether the friend can provide a unique viewpoint that topic that has not already been covered by another article.

The following question is this, if my friend had a personal experience and is unique in the topic can be shared? Or does my friend have a level of understanding and expertise that is different in the topic?

Write articles with personal perspective and use the "sound" itself. It is able to make an article stand out among dozens or even hundreds of similar articles.

4. Does my friend have something different at the same value to be added (on that topic)?

Sometimes a topic have been written and published by many blogs / media, but maybe in the articles no details, recommendations discourse, stages, information, or missed steps. If my friend can add something different and worth, whether additional facts or opinions, then decide to write. Creativity is the key at this point. Dig, dig, and continued to dig.

5. Does the article it will meet the expectations of readers?

Blog articles to be written should be eligible that have been determined by their own buddies (niche / theme), not to go too far. With this concept, my friend can easily relate new articles with related articles that have been written, so that the reader can better satisfy curiosity through old articles via internal linking pal provide. If the topic of my friend strayed very far from being carried by your blog, content likely to be poor reference pal and just take a "golden opportunity" alone (keywords with high traffic, for example, but may be far from the theme / niche blogs). Whereas, in fact, an article on a specific topic that is successful in a blog are not necessarily successful in other blogs.

If you already have a subscriber in adequate amounts, man must think this is more serious, because they want to subscribe to is not because they want to follow your blog updates by topic / niche they like.

All back to my friend ...

After considering five essential questions above, now back to my friend to decide: Written or not? One thing I can say here is: works that originated from the feeling and the special preparation of its creator. If my friend had started with a wonderful feeling; namely with thought, consideration, and strategy, then the result would have been very special.

Happy Writing

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