Monday, August 29, 2016

5 Type Article Title That Attract Readers Blog

Hay ...!!
  This moment i will share "5 Type Article Title That Attract Readers Blog"

Interest write articles - anything, including the goal of writing a blog article - is to convey the thoughts, ideas, ideas, influence, discourse, and other diverse. One measure of success is easiest to see is the number of readers or how many times you read articles masterpiece. Well what number you targets? Hundreds? Thousand? Or even millions? Certainly a cliche question, because it was very definitely the answer is: As many!

In some cases, many blog articles just dropped by publication and eventually just become a collection that just adds to the number of posts because having read power (readership) is low. Many factors determine the reading power; are: quality of the content, the reader needs (demand), format and style of writing articles, publishing (social media, etc.), search engine optimization (SEO), and so forth.

There is one thing that often go unnoticed, but actually accounts for a large percentage in terms of reader interest. What is that? Headline, yes headline, Or ... what we call the title of the blog articles. So big is the effect? Yes. Like the house, the title of the article is the gateway. Headline or title is a very brief summary of what will be reviewed in the article. Visitors or readers make a decision whether he will read or not based on information he got from the title of the article. Lots of quality articles written ultimately futile because do not have an attractive headline. This is because the author override the design of the article title / headline is extremely important.

In a previous article, guest blogger pal Anas never talked about creating article titles that are not boring. The point is that you should be as creative as possible in designing the title of the article. In the article, offered methods of file swapping is easy to apply. Title of the article is an appeal. An effective headline is able to "hypnotize" readers with high curiosity, so he decided to read the article offered.

Yes, right. At this point, you have to understand that everything has a psychological effect. Similarly with headlines. Headline curious, to persuade, to offer something, give important information, and even raises question marks and contradictions could be a powerful weapon for your article. However, before I need to emphasize that this does not mean you just focus on making a title or headline interesting, quality content of the article should also not be ruled out, because you will only make pepesan blank if ignored, and instead only deceive the reader. Not a good effect is obtained, can-can your blog articles and then abandoned.

Type Article Title (Headline) Affecting Interest Reading

Of the various types of articles that I have observed, there are some of the headlines that have bombastic effect in stimulating the desire to read. The type or format of the headlines I have observed developments in some of my blog and in articles on other blogs. Through the Google search results, I see some of them have a CTR (click throgh rate, the average potential clicks) is quite high. That is, a win on the first page of Google is not enough, but how do you design the headline is also a big influence. This headline type can also give an idea of ​​what you will write in the next articles. Here are 5 of some kind of title of the article that struck me as being the determining factor of clicks and interest readers:

1. Pros and Cons
This is the kind of article titles and content easily and clearly. The concept is a conflict or comparison. In English lessons (hehehe ...), the text in this title referred to as a discussion text. For the blog article, are commonly used to compare products or services, but do not rule out the possibility for other things, like bad either perform a specific activity.

Idea: Many of the ideas that can be spawned of this type, for example, is: advantages and disadvantages, both good and bad, advantages and disadvantages. Examples of the idea of ​​writing a title that you can design are: "Advantages and Disadvantages of Platform Blogger", "Impact of Positive and Negative Impact of Facebook". You can also compare or to contrast two things in common and not limited to the internal one thing only, for example: "Blogger vs. WordPress: A Case Study".

2. Free
Was predictable that this type associated with a guide, tutorial, how, or tips. Fill the article with regard to how to do something or steps in overcoming a problem (how to). The concept is a procedure or instruction. In English lessons (haha, again ...) the text in the title is called as the procedure text. (It simultaneously provides an overview that articles of this kind are also selling well in the world-the Internet.)

Idea: An example of an idea in making this kind of title example is "10 Powerful Tips Facing Trials employess", "The Most Convenient Way Wins One on Google", "The Complete Guide Maintain and Develop Professionally Blog", and so forth.

3. Open Secrets
It is not about this blog loh, haha. There are many headline or title of the article relating to the "secrecy", because a lot of people like things secretive and chasing things about whistleblowing itself. Therefore, do not be surprised if these articles with the title thus has a relatively high CTR, because it can lead to curiosity is high. Despite the fact that, well ... lots of truth is not a secret anymore, and even discussed everywhere repeatedly (even just copy and paste articles). But, yes, the fact that the "secret" is being said ajimat. In terms of the content of the article and how the discussion, this type into the category of explanation text (hehe, English again).

Idea: Title so I guess it was not a difficult thing to be designed, because the word "secret" itself is strong enough. Example: "Online Business Secrets: Scooping Rupiah Quickly!", "3 Secrets to Getting Traffic Thousands in Overnight!" "Secret Reaching Page One of Google Finally Revealed!". You can make the titles more bombastic again, but keep in mind that the contents of the article should be commensurate with that title.

4. Humor and Satire
Make no mistake, you can also design the title of the article that smells and even satirical humor (sarcastic). However, it is the title must therefore be made with very careful and really tailored to the target audience. What is the reason behind many successful titles can thus attract readers? Because this kind of headline can make the reader smile and maybe even laugh out loud, there is also a tersindir. In these circumstances, it is very likely the reader amused, "a little offended," and was curious to read the contents of the article.

The idea: The main requirement is creativity and sense of humor (seriously ordinary people going clumsy, I swear!). But I am very sure anyone could have designed it if you want to practice. One of my ideas, create the title of the article that seems not expected to read, but then contrasted with what could make the reader curious. Example: "Read It Will not Make Rich, But You Will Know How to Get Rich!". Other examples of more extreme, "Want to Get Rich? Do not read this article Yes!". Another example is a satirical article title, "10 Reasons Why You Should Stop Blogging".

5. Negation (Use of Negative Sentences or phrases smelling)
In addition to using the title that seemed inviting, attracting attention, answer the question, or reassuring (for their solution), the use of negation in the sentence or phrase in the title of the article can also cause a big question mark for readers who see it. Thus, curiosity inevitably arise. This tactic seemed to cause discomfort, fear, or an unpleasant taste to the reader, but then answered, given the solution, or described in the article. In effect, the reader will feel a high urgency to immediately read the contents. This tactic should be used with caution and content articles really should be prepared carefully.

Idea: Use titles that give a sense of discomfort, insecurity, fear, oppose, or may be different from the statement or the fact has been obtained / believed by previous readers. For example, "Why Your Site Will SEO Without Shattered", "Why free blog Will Not Make Money", "20 Reasons You Will Soon disconnect Girlfriend", and so on.


Well, yes, if asked, whether big success? Of course my answer cliche: relative. Depending on how your creation titles of your articles, and ultimately on how you create the article as a whole. But, at least there are some ideas that could be considered to make the room your creativity in making articles, especially articles blog. One important point as well, there are some ideas above does not mean you necessarily use all of them in every article. There are times when an article must have a title or headline that "what is", and do not need to be designed too extreme, because it may actually damage the essence.

That's it, and have a nice blogging, folks ... as always ....

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