Monday, August 29, 2016

5 Type Article Title That Attract Readers Blog

Hay ...!!
  This moment i will share "5 Type Article Title That Attract Readers Blog"

Interest write articles - anything, including the goal of writing a blog article - is to convey the thoughts, ideas, ideas, influence, discourse, and other diverse. One measure of success is easiest to see is the number of readers or how many times you read articles masterpiece. Well what number you targets? Hundreds? Thousand? Or even millions? Certainly a cliche question, because it was very definitely the answer is: As many!

In some cases, many blog articles just dropped by publication and eventually just become a collection that just adds to the number of posts because having read power (readership) is low. Many factors determine the reading power; are: quality of the content, the reader needs (demand), format and style of writing articles, publishing (social media, etc.), search engine optimization (SEO), and so forth.

There is one thing that often go unnoticed, but actually accounts for a large percentage in terms of reader interest. What is that? Headline, yes headline, Or ... what we call the title of the blog articles. So big is the effect? Yes. Like the house, the title of the article is the gateway. Headline or title is a very brief summary of what will be reviewed in the article. Visitors or readers make a decision whether he will read or not based on information he got from the title of the article. Lots of quality articles written ultimately futile because do not have an attractive headline. This is because the author override the design of the article title / headline is extremely important.

In a previous article, guest blogger pal Anas never talked about creating article titles that are not boring. The point is that you should be as creative as possible in designing the title of the article. In the article, offered methods of file swapping is easy to apply. Title of the article is an appeal. An effective headline is able to "hypnotize" readers with high curiosity, so he decided to read the article offered.

Yes, right. At this point, you have to understand that everything has a psychological effect. Similarly with headlines. Headline curious, to persuade, to offer something, give important information, and even raises question marks and contradictions could be a powerful weapon for your article. However, before I need to emphasize that this does not mean you just focus on making a title or headline interesting, quality content of the article should also not be ruled out, because you will only make pepesan blank if ignored, and instead only deceive the reader. Not a good effect is obtained, can-can your blog articles and then abandoned.

Type Article Title (Headline) Affecting Interest Reading

Of the various types of articles that I have observed, there are some of the headlines that have bombastic effect in stimulating the desire to read. The type or format of the headlines I have observed developments in some of my blog and in articles on other blogs. Through the Google search results, I see some of them have a CTR (click throgh rate, the average potential clicks) is quite high. That is, a win on the first page of Google is not enough, but how do you design the headline is also a big influence. This headline type can also give an idea of ​​what you will write in the next articles. Here are 5 of some kind of title of the article that struck me as being the determining factor of clicks and interest readers:

1. Pros and Cons
This is the kind of article titles and content easily and clearly. The concept is a conflict or comparison. In English lessons (hehehe ...), the text in this title referred to as a discussion text. For the blog article, are commonly used to compare products or services, but do not rule out the possibility for other things, like bad either perform a specific activity.

Idea: Many of the ideas that can be spawned of this type, for example, is: advantages and disadvantages, both good and bad, advantages and disadvantages. Examples of the idea of ​​writing a title that you can design are: "Advantages and Disadvantages of Platform Blogger", "Impact of Positive and Negative Impact of Facebook". You can also compare or to contrast two things in common and not limited to the internal one thing only, for example: "Blogger vs. WordPress: A Case Study".

2. Free
Was predictable that this type associated with a guide, tutorial, how, or tips. Fill the article with regard to how to do something or steps in overcoming a problem (how to). The concept is a procedure or instruction. In English lessons (haha, again ...) the text in the title is called as the procedure text. (It simultaneously provides an overview that articles of this kind are also selling well in the world-the Internet.)

Idea: An example of an idea in making this kind of title example is "10 Powerful Tips Facing Trials employess", "The Most Convenient Way Wins One on Google", "The Complete Guide Maintain and Develop Professionally Blog", and so forth.

3. Open Secrets
It is not about this blog loh, haha. There are many headline or title of the article relating to the "secrecy", because a lot of people like things secretive and chasing things about whistleblowing itself. Therefore, do not be surprised if these articles with the title thus has a relatively high CTR, because it can lead to curiosity is high. Despite the fact that, well ... lots of truth is not a secret anymore, and even discussed everywhere repeatedly (even just copy and paste articles). But, yes, the fact that the "secret" is being said ajimat. In terms of the content of the article and how the discussion, this type into the category of explanation text (hehe, English again).

Idea: Title so I guess it was not a difficult thing to be designed, because the word "secret" itself is strong enough. Example: "Online Business Secrets: Scooping Rupiah Quickly!", "3 Secrets to Getting Traffic Thousands in Overnight!" "Secret Reaching Page One of Google Finally Revealed!". You can make the titles more bombastic again, but keep in mind that the contents of the article should be commensurate with that title.

4. Humor and Satire
Make no mistake, you can also design the title of the article that smells and even satirical humor (sarcastic). However, it is the title must therefore be made with very careful and really tailored to the target audience. What is the reason behind many successful titles can thus attract readers? Because this kind of headline can make the reader smile and maybe even laugh out loud, there is also a tersindir. In these circumstances, it is very likely the reader amused, "a little offended," and was curious to read the contents of the article.

The idea: The main requirement is creativity and sense of humor (seriously ordinary people going clumsy, I swear!). But I am very sure anyone could have designed it if you want to practice. One of my ideas, create the title of the article that seems not expected to read, but then contrasted with what could make the reader curious. Example: "Read It Will not Make Rich, But You Will Know How to Get Rich!". Other examples of more extreme, "Want to Get Rich? Do not read this article Yes!". Another example is a satirical article title, "10 Reasons Why You Should Stop Blogging".

5. Negation (Use of Negative Sentences or phrases smelling)
In addition to using the title that seemed inviting, attracting attention, answer the question, or reassuring (for their solution), the use of negation in the sentence or phrase in the title of the article can also cause a big question mark for readers who see it. Thus, curiosity inevitably arise. This tactic seemed to cause discomfort, fear, or an unpleasant taste to the reader, but then answered, given the solution, or described in the article. In effect, the reader will feel a high urgency to immediately read the contents. This tactic should be used with caution and content articles really should be prepared carefully.

Idea: Use titles that give a sense of discomfort, insecurity, fear, oppose, or may be different from the statement or the fact has been obtained / believed by previous readers. For example, "Why Your Site Will SEO Without Shattered", "Why free blog Will Not Make Money", "20 Reasons You Will Soon disconnect Girlfriend", and so on.


Well, yes, if asked, whether big success? Of course my answer cliche: relative. Depending on how your creation titles of your articles, and ultimately on how you create the article as a whole. But, at least there are some ideas that could be considered to make the room your creativity in making articles, especially articles blog. One important point as well, there are some ideas above does not mean you necessarily use all of them in every article. There are times when an article must have a title or headline that "what is", and do not need to be designed too extreme, because it may actually damage the essence.

That's it, and have a nice blogging, folks ... as always ....

When the Create Posting Charges & Not Being Needs , So ...

Hay gays...!!
This time I shared about Writing becomes a necessity.

Originally, blogging (blogging) is to jot down ideas or thoughts, stories or experiences, knowledge, understanding, advice, criticism, information, discourse or action, response or reaction, imagination, desires, plans, tips, research, news that was heard, and many more. Well, blogging is not separated from the activity of writing. Of course, the word "Writing" can not be interpreted literally, but interpreted as casting any activity that is in the head and the feelings in writing. Blogging is authoring world, which in the context of writing is no different than writing books, novels, magazines, editorials, and so forth. What if one of these blogging ssarat missing? The essence of blogging itself is also lost! Then, when making posts has become a claim and not a necessity, then:

1. Blogging is no longer a platform to write, but merely to make the content of the blog activity (from whatever source), and did not give satisfaction.

2. Blogger no longer excited, because he had lost the need to write and replaced with demands for the sake of charges that could make stress and blinded him. If you write just for the search engines (as heard on condition that the post routine can make a better SEO blog), the question is: "Are you blogging?"

3. Ability to write it will not grow and the more blunt, because usually demands a number of posts makes the blogger forced to "borrow" another blog article; even without the knowledge of the owner of the blog or leave a link source of the article. And even others to waste talent by writing a blog AGC (autoblog) is obviously very detrimental to many parties. Up here, the essence of Blogging as a venue for casting the mind is completely gone. Logically, if the property if we only publish articles that we write at all, even (perhaps) is not in our hands? Whether to admit someone else's article as our writing is the thing that makes us better? We can deceive others, but NOT yourself. Is the corrupt culture (sorry) has become so ingrained?

4. Blogger could not reach the existence of which was originally looking for. A blogger can become an informant (blogger) when he wrote something dibidangi / understand. Whether for money or to simply share ideas and experiences / stories, everything starts from the readers trust the content of the blog, which will bring ratings to the blog owner. An assessment of the content and quality will be provided by the reader after reading the writings of the Blogger. Rate it can be good or bad. Which assessment that would be achieved?

5. The mentality of a blogger could worsen. Demands causing discomfort for the Blogger and make him feel that makes posting a mere obligation. Context mentality is also related to the attitude taken. Whether in the real world or virtual, innate mentality and behavior is the same. Does blogging makes the blogger mentality better or worse? Is blogging only be used to clarify the nature of our bad in front of others or to try to be better?

Writing for love, it is not instant and easy. However, everyone, anyone, can learn and get used to. Principle and idealism is important to realize success and so in blogging. Regardless of the context as a hobby or a job, blogging is a medium that is loaded with benefits.

Of course, all options, including in the world of blogging. And (again) of course, all returned to the individual self (a diplomatic statement very cliche).

Happy Blogging.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

3 Ways to Use a Blog as Media Producing Money [ Evidently ]

How to use blogs as a medium that has proven moneymaker . Internet business is no death ever . Increasingly , more and more growing new startups in the world , including Indonesia .

Seeing this startup phenomenon , then we will not be separated from the blog . Yes , bloggers have become part of life for many people . Why?. Yes faucet beside the blog can be used as a medium to share knowledge , can also make money.

3 Ways to Use a Blog as Media Producing Money [ Evidently ]

1. Publisher

To that number one , I think the most popular . Many bloggers are becoming a publisher to make money through their blogs . There is collaboration with local and international brand .

Among the many advertisers , Google AdSense is the most popular .

If I see a naked eye , there is one reason why Google Adsense can be excellent bloggers , ie for a big payday . Yes , Google Adsense does offer a big payday for each publisher . No half-hearted , the price per click advertising can reach hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah . Depending on expensive keywords.

2. Affiliate Marketer

Being an affiliate marketer means you sell other people's products . You'll earn from the commissions you earn from the owner of the product .

For physical products , one of the most famous affliasi website is amazon . As for digital products , namely clickbank . For digital products at Clickbank , the commission can reach 80 % . Wuh , I think it's very large commission , of course.

If for local products , are already emerging affiliate websites.

3. Selling products in the online store

Selling products through online stores has become a trend now . This is because the online media is a means of promotion minimal budget but a very broad reach consumers .

You can create a blog online store that goods can come from your own . Or if you do not have the goods , you can become a reseller of other people . The commission will you earn comes from the difference between the price you specify with your initial purchase price .

Well, that all three ways that you can use to earn money from a blog . Please apply one of them by the tone ang easier . Or if you want maximum results , apply it all .

Happy earning with blog.. :D3 Ways to Use a Blog as Media Producing Money [ Evidently ]

10 Tips For Google Adsense Approved in One List

Google Adsense Tips to be accepted easily in a list
For friends who want to sign up for Adsense , the following Jurnalweb give some tips to be easily accepted Google Adsense , these tips based on direct experience as we manage a website with a theme lifestyles or lifestyle .

1. Do not rush to sign up for Adsense

Do not rush to register your website to Google Adsense because it would complicate the process of cooperation between your website and Adsense later.

Websites that have been rejected Adsense will be more difficult to sign up again, so try not to be rejected when first registering. So before your Adsense make sure all the preparations they have requested are met. Make sure your website is stable and crowded first. After that just started to think of advertising. Because the website is still very new it would be difficult to be accepted, especially if visitors are still deserted.

Blog with more than 3 months of age are more likely to be accepted. But the advice we suggest you install the adsense ads after 6 months.

2. Choose a topic of lively and mastered

Before making a website for Google Adsense paired, first determine the topic of the website according to your interests. Look for topics that crowded (frequently searched), but that you understand. If you like the auto it would be good to create a website with automotive topics, not football, or health. Due to the long term with the website you understand the topic will be easier to manage because according to your interests. If no corresponding interest in it will be very heavy in managing it. Capek himself.

Google also prefer websites that have a specific niche, meaning that only discusses one particular topic and not a hodgepodge.

When you write articles that corresponds to the field you are good, then the science and the quality of writing as outlined in the post also will carry more weight and quality.

3. Build a website as possible

The first step to become a publisher Adsense is to have a good website or blog. Wake up your website as possible before signing up for Google Adsense. The logic is that where there are people who want to work with a website that is still empty. Although revenue could also be very small.

Choose a good domain name and reliable hosting. Do not let your website often die because it will make you lose visitors and in addition the website often die less favored by Google robot.

4. Design website as good as possible

Create or select a good theme for the design of your website, create your website looks neat and elegant. No need to be excited, minimalist alone is enough to be accepted Google Adsense. Remember google really liked the simplicity (simplicity), but quality.

5. Make a good navigation

Make sure your website has a good navigation system. Good navigational point is in a position that is easy to find or be seen by visitors. Not confusing. One more concept of a navigation to keep in mind is the navigation function for all the existing content on your website to be found easily. So do not complicated-complicated yaa ..

6. Make important pages

A good website can be characterized by the existence of clear rules on the website, the rule here is between the website and the outside, one of them with visitors. The rules are usually listed in some important pages that contain the policies, rules, permits and other requests. So it is necessary to have an about us page, a disclaimer, terms of services, privacy and policy as well as contact us.

Make sure your website has those pages, so that your website can dipertangung justified, but it is protection for visitors as well as others so that no one feels aggrieved. Google also pay attention to it because they certainly do not want to cooperate with websites that are not responsible.

7. Create quality content and avoid copy and paste

Once you build a website with the domain and hosting are reliable, and has chosen a topic that is best for you, the next step is to fill your website with quality content.

Quality content was a factor marker there are many, but in order to more easily create content copy & paste from another website, content can solve problems a lot of people, content writing neatly and with good grammar, using pictures, video and table as complementary, frequently searched content, content that it is better than similar articles in other websites, not too short.

8. Increase the amount of content

Not just about the quality of the content, but the amount of content is also important to note. Blog which is updated every day is certainly more likely to have a lot of visitors when compared with the infrequent updates, especially if any quality content, visitor liked and favored search engine. Wahhh nice course.

If you regularly update the website at least 2 times in one day, then within 3 months of your own (2artikel x 30 days x 3bulan = 180) article. And this should be enough for the initial capital to sign up for Google Adsense. Again, do not rush to sign up but got up first on your website as good as possible.

9. Avoid content that contains forbidden words

Create content that is positive, not leading to the forbidden things. What are the things forbidden? we do not need to answer because you should already know.

Create content that is useful, but much of the negative stuff. Do not let none of these forbidden words on your website. Website clean of these things will be heavily favored Google.

You can visit the AdSense program policies page for more details.

10. Fix-page SEO on your website

One of the factors of a good website in the search engines is that having on-page SEO nice. Websites that have on-page SEO nice would be easy to read and the intent of the content can be understood by Google. Remember that ad Google Adsense contextual nature, which means the ads are displayed based on the content of the website content. SEO on-page that will either work mempemudah engine Google. SEO on-page, there are many factors, ranging from making the title of the article was good, URLs SEO friendly, include a meta description, naming file good images, annotate images, keyword density, internal links, quality content is also included as part of the on-page seo. There are still many other factors of on-page SEO, may be discussed on other occasions.

That's a few tips from us to you who wish to register a website into Google Adsense in order to be accepted .

Saturday, August 27, 2016

5 Important Questions Before Writing Blog

All bloggers would want article "out of the box", stand out, special, different from the existing one, though perhaps the same page. All bloggers would also like to not glance his eye, can be enjoyed to the full, and ultimately provide exceptional value to its readers. And yes, even though this word sounds a bit boring, but surely all agree this is key: quality.

The question is, what benchmarks a quality, if there is the numeric value? is there a percentage parameter? is there a formula? There is no. Quality is abstractive and can not be calculated or assessed with numbers. But, once again, all must agree if the quality can be felt.

Well, this time, I would like to invite my friend all ask these five questions, which I think is very important before mate decided to write an article based on a topic.

"Well, ya would I write". Once kuranglebihnya conversation in mind when my friend started to open the post editor and ready fingers dance on the keyboard.

But eeeitt, wait!

Should you write the topic? As a blogger, my friend would not be indiscriminate and haphazard decision making wrote a blog article without thinking first. The answer of course depends on a number of factors.

Well, the following factors should be my friend ask before deciding: "Okay, I write ah." .. Or ... "Ah, find another topic alone ..."

1. Are there other people who have written the topics to be buddy wrote?

What would my friend wrote? Is it really true there someone else who wrote it. Does my friend had ever read it? Answers to these questions will affect all the answers to the four other questions.

If the topic to write my friend did not already been covered by other bloggers, so my friend had to make formula reason. Are the topics that will be written will be appealing and needed by others? Do other people need the information in the article? Or is this topic so controversial that no one else who could write it? Consider the blog readers, the objectives of the activity of blogging buddy, and targets of the article was written before deciding to write. It is important to see whether it is right for the topic is presented in the blog.

If the topic to be my friend wrote it has already been covered by other bloggers (and most did), go to question two.

2. Does my friend can write better articles from other articles with similar topics?

If the blog article writing is already on the wanted buddy-cover and is written by blogger / media / other publishers, should be considered whether my friend was able to write better than existing ones. This is important because the article my friend MUST be different from the existing ones in order to produce something different and qualified. One topic could be written and published by many blogs, as much as anything, but only the first two were able to stand out because it is supported by the uniqueness / originality and quality.

Quality is very important. So do not rush to take and write a topic not sure if my friend could write it better than existing ones. Without this concept, man will only give treats the same as the others. In the end, well ..., the reader bored and it sounded just finished articles passing.

3. Can pal provide a unique viewpoint on the topic to be written?
If my friend decided to keep writing down existing topics, consider whether the friend can provide a unique viewpoint that topic that has not already been covered by another article.

The following question is this, if my friend had a personal experience and is unique in the topic can be shared? Or does my friend have a level of understanding and expertise that is different in the topic?

Write articles with personal perspective and use the "sound" itself. It is able to make an article stand out among dozens or even hundreds of similar articles.

4. Does my friend have something different at the same value to be added (on that topic)?

Sometimes a topic have been written and published by many blogs / media, but maybe in the articles no details, recommendations discourse, stages, information, or missed steps. If my friend can add something different and worth, whether additional facts or opinions, then decide to write. Creativity is the key at this point. Dig, dig, and continued to dig.

5. Does the article it will meet the expectations of readers?

Blog articles to be written should be eligible that have been determined by their own buddies (niche / theme), not to go too far. With this concept, my friend can easily relate new articles with related articles that have been written, so that the reader can better satisfy curiosity through old articles via internal linking pal provide. If the topic of my friend strayed very far from being carried by your blog, content likely to be poor reference pal and just take a "golden opportunity" alone (keywords with high traffic, for example, but may be far from the theme / niche blogs). Whereas, in fact, an article on a specific topic that is successful in a blog are not necessarily successful in other blogs.

If you already have a subscriber in adequate amounts, man must think this is more serious, because they want to subscribe to is not because they want to follow your blog updates by topic / niche they like.

All back to my friend ...

After considering five essential questions above, now back to my friend to decide: Written or not? One thing I can say here is: works that originated from the feeling and the special preparation of its creator. If my friend had started with a wonderful feeling; namely with thought, consideration, and strategy, then the result would have been very special.

Happy Writing

Excellence Google

This time I will discuss the advantages google
Google is a company that originally involved in the development of search engines on the Internet. Any advantage google:

* The number one search engine in the world (
* Leading email service (
* Leading custom page (
* Readers of the leading feed (
* Leading feed management system (
* Leading analytics products (
* The largest distributed ad network (
* Toolbar monitoring traffic is the most widely distributed (
* The world's largest video content hosting (
* Google collects data from millions of Google accounts every day
* Leading free blog services (
* Comprehensive social networking service (http: // www
* Service of satellite maps directly from google maps
* Services publishers in the blog / website from google adsense
And any other

The Internet users greatly helped by the presence of many usefull google and google apps, for example: youtube, blogger, gmail, maps and any other.

I'm sure you're using Google services because I'm sure you're very need.


Tips to Increase Total Pageview Blog

It's good before getting into tips on increasing the number of page blog, we'll see what the grassroots of the page view. A blog would certainly not be complete without visitors (visitors) who see and read the pages of the blog. Thus, the presence of visitors is very important for a blogger / blogger. Blog deserted desert adjoining like a spring, but no one knows. Sob ..... sad right? Now, with the visitors then each page of articles / posts that have been made into a meaningful and terhargai, especially when seen repeatedly. Well here we begin to talk about two components: visitor and page view.

Visitors come from various sources, for example: search engines, directories, social bookmarking, blog / website, or from a browser bookmarks created by visitors themselves. While pageview, referring to the number of pages read / seen by the visitor / visitor. The combination keduanyalah which we are familiar with the term of traffic, which is a combination of current and the number of visitors and the page is displayed.

To clarify the tips were later given, it must be understood first two differences between the visitor and pageview. The number of visitors that a lot is not necessarily pageview her a lot. Loh? Yes, true. For example ya, a blog has a visitor of 100 people, each read one page, it means that its number of page is 100. While in another blog, the number of visitornya 75, respectively see page 3, meaning the number of pageviewnya? Yes, 225. Imagine if that comes 100, each read three pages, mean? Own responsibility well.

Well, it means the number of visitors that many do not guarantee the number of page will be more. In contrast, the number of visitors who were not necessarily fewer pageviewnya less than that than ever before. Which one is better? When asked about this, surely the answer: a lot of visitors and pageviews are many-fold! Certainly right. But it would be nice to focus advance to the page view. What causes pageview lot or a little? We see the same all the tips yuk!

1. Of course, the most important thing in traffic generation, both visitor and page view, is a good SEO. So, make sure you do the optimization / improvement of SEO and SERP blog regularly, periodically, and not just stop at "blog indexed" alone, especially link building efforts should continue to do so even the most famous blog world though!

2. Make the articles are original, unique and quality. Articles like this make visitors feel what they read can not be obtained anywhere else. Although there are many blogs / websites on the same page, but still there is a difference though small. Read an interesting article as it makes the visitor wants to see the other articles.

3. Offer something in your articles even just the simplest way. 'Something' is certainly not the only tips alone, can also be thoughts, opinions, solutions, challenges, and others. Often many blogs that convey information as an "as is", as such. However, this is about bloggging, the author reserves the right to provide additional, both in terms of point of view, the advantages and disadvantages, assessment, to solution.

4. Make navigation rich blogs and easily seen / discovered by visitors. Use widgets supporting such navigation recent post, popular post, category / label, archive (I recommend using the default widget Blogger because it is more lightly loaded and already rich features such as: snippet and thumbnail). To find out the related articles, please let visitors navigate as related post widgets, widget recent post, popular post, etc. I often find blogs whose content is interesting but does not have sufficient navigation so difficult to get a link to another article to read. Avoid widgets that are not important and maximize navigation.

5. Internal linking within posts, other than beneficial for SEO, is also useful for visitors, namely by reference to other posts that have specific and more detailed information. Embed links to other posts in the keyword or phrase related. For example, you can see some links that I plant in this post.

6. Some say the article is too long was not good. But I think it depends on how the quality and concoctions of words that are used. So, if you have a long blog article, make sure all said it should be there and it is important to read.

7. Update and add as much as your articles regularly. A blog has a number of articles that many, varied, and rich in contents would increase the possibility of visitors to see more than one article every visit. However, note the quality of the article. Do not let its content has no value / value for visitors. Note also the originality, do not because there is a demand should do a post, you have to force yourself to copy paste other people's articles. In addition to harming the original author, it will harm your own for the readers / visitors surely will assess you, especially if visitors have to ask and you have to answer, but you do not have the capacity to answer it, it does more harm again. Perform regular updates according to ability and if necessary make posting schedule.

8. One of the factors causing the visitors a run or as soon as possible to finish reading one posting alone is load time (load time) and the weight is too long blog / lot. If visitors must open a second page that he wanted to read but to wait too long, then it is likely to close (close) the greater the page. In some cases, visitors are forced to close the page at all yet she read after finding it in the search engines. Check the blog loading speed and optimize loading speed. Factors that typically affect the loading time of your blog is a javascript file and file-images are numerous and large.

9. Design / views affect the reading comfort. Design does not always mean an appearance to be fancy, but has a layout and color combination that fits and unsightly. Instead look too fancy and wah sometimes make visitors do not focus and bored. Focus on structuring and navigation design themes that make visitors feel at home.

What about the way you know to increase the number of page views of your blog? Feel free to pass on the comment box. Thanks: D

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Tips On Writing Articles Blog

Hasil gambar untuk writing

Serie Study Tips for Writing Blog Qualified

Each blog surely has content / articles that have previously been through the process of writing. This process is certainly not easy, because it must go through several stages to become a series of words which are then deemed worthy presented to readers. In the process, it may be encountered obstacles both in terms of technical and non-technical. Therefore, writing a blog article, any simple, it takes their learning, reference, and technical training to writing a blog article into an "instinct" in which the authors no longer need to pay attention to the rules and factors of technical and nontechnical, but immediately write it flows.Like people who are learning to play the piano, he must first understand the various theories, rules and practical tips such as reading and writing scores, fingering technique, tempo, melody, chord, and so forth. But when have advanced, of course these things should be removed and play with heart. Likewise, the writing, the writing produced any product. Therefore, it would be fun if I can collect and trace all the articles related to writing blog content on this page. Hopefully with a collection of tips to write this article, my friend all can easily find references in the same subject without having to "tear apart" and spent a long time to find it. Hopefully Similarly, references that I have written since 2010 can benefit, at least in discourse and motivation in writing your blog posts.

First...> 3 Ways to Make Blog Articles In 10 Minutes

3 Ways to Make Blog Articles In 10 Minutes

Hasil gambar untuk blogging

Maybe my friend could not believe after reading the title of this post. The hell makes blog posts in just 10 minutes? But I will bend over backwards to convince 100 percent with the following three different ways:

1. Search for foreign blog articles or the latest news, select articles which according buddy attract many readers. No need to read it because it would be a waste of time, just copy all the contents of the article. Then open the Google Translator, paste it into a blank translation. In a few seconds the translation out. Then immediately copy the translation and paste it into the box blog post editor. Publish! I believe this method can even be done in less than 5 minutes.
2. If my friend wanted to post my friend really believed as an article honored Indonesian internet users, just look for local articles from blogs that already exist. After finding such an article, copy all the contents and immediately you paste into your posting form. Modifications little title that looked different when it appears in search engines or directories site where the article was published. For example, if the original title is "10 Facts Unique .....", the modification becomes "10 Facts Funny ....". Thus, the impression of originality posts are still there (although only in title only). No need to modify it because in the end the same, tetep just copy and paste. Yes, right?This saves time, because my friend does not need to think about and process the ideas in your head, do not need to do a survey of favorite people, do not need to do reflection, no need to learn a phenomenon occurs, do not have to think about the style of language what to wear, do not need to spend time for designing the contents.
3. Reopen lecture notes, diaries, or recall experiences that experienced in the past, for example, the experience of using this brand HP, or a printer of this type, boyfriend shoot experience, blogging experience, experience arguing about a topic, experience participating organizations, the experience of this contest, it's a learning experience, it's dislike of it, this preference for the experience of doing a hobby, a desire that has not been delivered, and many more !! By opening the old records or files that we save, we stayed copy or rewrite it so that it takes not much time.Jot down thoughts or anything that we remember very well could be done in a very quick time, because in my experience, writing things like this speed is the same as when we speak. Why? Because:a. The process is in line with the order of memory that comes and arranged in our heads, as we like seeing a movie that we directly translate into words. 
b. Basing on our own experience, we controlled very well what we're writing. A good writer masters what he writes.Remember, the news is heard or seen was also an experience, and can be spoken in our own way. In addition, the blog is not a magazine or book, that means the post / article a very long it will be tiring. Writing will take a long time.Well, the third option of the above ways, man is free to determine which one will be selected. What ultimately yangdiprioritaskan is the number of posts or the quality and originality of posts, the right mate to determine how to create articles / blog posts. Want to be a resource blog (blogger) or handyman blog content? Of course, the right mate [blogger] all to decide for themselves.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Why Should Blogging

Hay Guys..?
This time I will discuss why blogging...?
Of course, there are many useful things that can be obtained through a blog that may not yet be known by those who are still common to hear or who are less concerned or even not at all regard this sort of thing is important. What is the benefit if the start blogging?
1. Learn something new or thing
New thing? considering the website has been created since 1991, is certainly no longer a new thing because there is a possibility blog also already exist at the time. At least it was new for those who do not know or who are still common.
When it started blogging or starting a blog, you will always discover new things about your interests or anything that makes you interested and always wanted to share because there would be a nonsense idea gained.
2. Helps hone hair creations
By continually strive expressing ideas that there be a paper or article, indirectly will help hone your writing skills for the better. If you are not accustomed, might eventually menulispun be difficult.
Unlike the speech can be obtained only by listening and imitating, writing skills can not be obtained in that way (Morphy, 2012). Maybe it's true because if sorted, ranks last writing skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. That means that writing is the most difficult skill to master. Therefore, must often be sharpened.
Think about this: Setumpul-dulling of the blade that continuously honed sure to be sharp as well.
3. Help you to be a writer
After adept at writing, you can try to provide the services as the author of the blog article because there are many bloggers who are interested in using services like this. In addition to getting paid a hefty (depending on the quality and type of the article), your writing skills will be honed and did not rule out later you could be the author of the book or e-book and sell it via a blog.
4. Can increase confidence
Through a blog you can opine, learn to dare blame and learn that no longer feel afraid that if wrong or make a mistake. You are invited to realize later hone skills and recognize and rectify the shortcomings.
Read every comment that comes in, learn litsning opinions of others, managing emotions (anger management) and accept criticism as an input to keep cool without feeling keki.
5. Sharpen the ability to speak
How good talk originated from oral texts. The more often learn and share ideas about interest or interests you through the blog, you will be more comfortable discussing a time when others ask directly.
Over time the confidence will grow, there will be no feeling awkward discussing what you're interested in before the crowd. Furthermore, you will remain confident even if review this topic or any other matter.
6. Got extra income
If you make a blog not perfunctory not impossible time can provide additional income while not directly or immediately make a millionaire or billionaire. Remain grateful with what has been achieved, no matter how small it is.
Want more? so be patient and berusa.ha more actively praying. Outside there are many bloggers who have reaped tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars with his blog. It could be you next, but how can it be otherwise doing
7. Creating a blog is very easy
Earlier I myself thought that creating a blog is difficult, but after reading the guide on how to make a blog, it makes it very easy. If you want to be sure.
Problems coding, html or javascript language, how to make it and it has also been widely distributed on the internet, just browsing and select which one feels easier to follow or learn.
8. Can make you challenged
Honestly, it is very easy to create a blog as easy as click of a button like or share, but to manage it is not as easy as you imagine. It takes time, energy, thoughts and extra patience to manage. Therein lies the challenge.
You will be challenged to write creative ideas to attract readers, competing with other bloggers, build a community around your blog and other challenging things that make you continue to learn and develop self-managed blog.

9. Can be made with / for free
Anyone can create a blog without being charged a penny or for free. One platform that provides templates and a free subdomain Blogspot is owned by Google.
If you feel self-conscious wearing a standard template and a free subdomain, you can change or replace it with premium template and change the subdomain becomes Top Level Domain if it wants to be serious about building a blog.
10. You can help others
Want to inspire people to explore and discover their potential but are confused how? create a blog. Want to share your knowledge or experience with others? start blogging and share.


There are many useful things that can be obtained through a good blog that knowledge, new skills experience, insight, pleasure, socialization, self-development, self publicity, self-documentation, business opportunities and so forth. If one of the above is the reason or motivation you, then start blogging.

Quoting Oprah Winfrey, "Do something that you think you can not afford to do. Failing to do so, try to do better the second time. People who never fails is only those who have never tried to do what they do not know ".

Someone who never or fear of making mistakes will never try or discover new things (Albert Einstein).

Thank you for reading our article. What this article helpful? Unmute your opinion in the comment section OK .. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Important Before Register Google Adsense

Before signing up, you should consider some important points below for greater acceptance probability:

1. Creating a Unique Content on Your SiteAs mentioned previously, the originality of an idea or content on your website is important for Google Adsense value. They pay attention to whether the content in a helpful website for others or not.The actual content on the Internet was much to discuss the same topic. However, the way of presentation or a different way of writing. For example, you write about the planting flowers, of course, there is a lot of content on other sites that discuss this. However, writing the content and how to present it on your blog must be different to the content on the blogs of others. Well, if your content is the result of copy and paste from other sources, chances are your site will not be approved to participate in Google Adsense PPC program.

2. Note Age Site registered atShould not be too hasty to register your blog to Google Adsense because they pay attention to the age of the website, the amount of content, the number of visitors, page views, and others. If you currently have a blog already 6 months old, already filled a lot of content, and has a unique visitor stable, this could convince the Google Adsense that your blog is a good place to advertise.

3. Note the Total Content On Website / BlogTotal content is one important factor to be accepted in Google Adsense. I'm not sure how much the minimum content in a website to be acceptable, but I personally would be more readily accepted if we have a lot of content websites. I personally suggest to make at least 60 content articles prior to enrolling in the Google Adsense.For shaped site blog, you should diligently to update the content on your blog as this could affect the valuation of Google's side. Blogs are frequently updated by their owners will certainly have a better chance accepted by Google Adsense compared with blogs that are rarely updated.

4. Use or YouTube.comWell, this is very important to note. If you already have a domain and hosting his own, the chance to be accepted by Google Adsense will be greater, of course, by paying attention to the previous points. However, if you want to use a domain and hosting for free, and wants to become a Google Adsense publisher, then you should use Adsense can not be mounted on a blog created by, both domain or subdomain of WordPress itself which use free hosting on WordPress. It is the policy of (TOS) of the itself, can be read at HERE. is a free blogging service provided by the Google. Surely this is a distinct advantage for those who use it for all this time, the Google always gives a chance on users to monetize their blog with Google Adsense program.If you do not want to create a blog, there are still other ways, namely via Surely you must have some original video content that are uploaded to This video should have enough views to be accepted in Google Adsense program.

5. Supporting InformationIt's good your site is equipped with supporting information pages, such as which pages About, Privacy Policy, Contact, TOS. It will make your site look seriously.

Happy Earning With Google Adsense..

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Success With Law Of Attraction

Law Of Attraction Is it, to know it very well please read and answer the questions below:

Have you ever had a condition where you are just dreaming about a nice meal, suddenly there were delivering (treating, give) you the food you expect it?

Have you ever had a condition where you just imagine the face of a friend while recalling the sweetness of your relationship, and suddenly your friend call you, or just suddenly appear in front of you?

Have you ever had a condition in which you was once fantasized / imagination / visualization on a go traveling overseas that you want. Suddenly one day you get the holiday bonus of a person / organization (office, bank gift, lucky draw, government, etc.) when you never ask it to them.

Have you always felt lucky because each wants a project / business, there is always a project that is coming, but you never deliberately pursue it or request it.

Have you're wanting to do something, (eg want to write a book), suddenly there are people who introduce you to the publishers, met at an event and met with an editor or the person who invited to write together, and there is a secretary who offered to work for in helping to write the book. Everything happens as if by accident and you do not deliberately pursue it and so on.

events such as the above occur because of what? If we look, and often it happens in a way we did not intentionally pull in our lives.

if we do not deliberately pulling it, why did it happen? This is interesting, is what continues to be a question of everyone. Some call it coincidence, luck, hockey and so forth. But our little hearts tingle, why this continues to happen, and happen to so many people?

Over the centuries so much effort to solve this mystery. With an expectation of how it would be THAT I CAN DO TO DELIBERATELY AND REPEAT-RE.

Well, if you ever read the book Michael Losier The Law Of Attraction, it will read how Michael Losier discusses using the law of attraction science of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). NLP is a science known as demistifying tools, namely tools (such as thinking) that had a non-mystical-something previously considered mystical become common everyday symptoms.

Through the science of NLP, then we will be able to make an effort in order LOA initiative could happen deliberately, repeatedly. This means we can attract good luck when we deliberately pulling it in our lives.
